IT HAS been the bedrock of the US adult film industry since the 1970s but porn companies are threatening to pull out of their Los Angeles home over a condom law.
Adult filmmakers are getting hot under the collar in after LA mayor Antonio Villaraigosa signed a law backed by the Aids Healthcare Foun¬dation that requires its stars to wear protection.
It has led to threats from some in the industry to move from San Fernando
to neighboring Simi Valley, which is out of the city`s jurisdiction but is also considering a similar move.
The law applies to porn shoots filmed with city permits but not soundstages, where the majority take place.
Porn producers require their actors to have HIV tests every 30 days and some fear costs incurred by the new law will push filming underground. `It`s not that don`t doubt the sincerity of their desire to protect the talent. And believe it or not, we have the same ambition,` said Christian Mann, general manager of Evil An¬gel Production.
Diane Duke, executive director of the industry`s trade group the Free Speech Coalition, said Monday`s ruling was `government reaching into areas it doesn`t belong`.
The Aids Healthcare Foundation said it would now lobby for the law to be extended across LA county.